Trenbolone Ac 100 (Canada Bio Labs)



Trenbolone Acetate from CanadaBioLabs is a 19-nortestosterone (19-nor) androgenic anabolic steroid. The 19-nor classification refers to a structural change in the testosterone hormone, it lacks a carbon atom at the 19th position. This puts Tren in the same category as Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate). In fact, the Parabolan hormone itself is simply a modified form of the hormone Nandrolone. The hormone Tren Acetate carries a double bond at carbons 9 and 11, which in turn slow down metabolism, significantly increasing the efficiency of binding to androgen receptors and inhibiting it from aromatization. As a result, the changes make Trenbolone Acetate one of the most powerful anabolic steroids of all time. Just by looking at its structural rating, we can begin to understand what a powerful steroid it is. Parabolan's rating is: anabolic 500 and androgenic 500, which is a very good indicator. This rating is based on a comparison of the testosterone rating, which is 100 for both anabolic and androgenic.


Trenbolone acetate has the ability to greatly increase the level of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a naturally occurring protein that enhances anabolism, promotes recovery and rejuvenation of the body, and affects virtually every cell in it. IGF-1 has a positive effect on muscle tissue, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, the central nervous and pulmonary systems. Today, there are not many anabolic steroids that help increase IGF-1 production like Trenbolone Acetate does.

Trenbolone acetate has the ability to significantly increase the number of red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen through the blood to all cells of the body. Thus, the more there are, the more saturated the blood is with oxygen. This enormously improves muscle endurance and greatly increases the rate of tissue recovery after exercise.

Another feature of Tren acetate is its ability to inhibit glucocorticoid hormones. Glucocorticoid hormones, sometimes called stress hormones, are in many ways the opposite of anabolic steroid hormones, as they promote the breakdown of muscle tissue and the buildup of fat.


To gain muscle mass, the best dose for most men is 50-100 mg per day. More serious dosages are unlikely to be needed for most. However, some may use dosages above 100 mg during the off-season if necessary. Higher dosages are usually used during drying. Some people will be able to use 100mg every day or 200mg every other day, but this significantly increases the risk of side effects.

50mg every day is often considered a low dose, but remember that Trenbolone Acetate is an extremely potent anabolic steroid. This is the most suitable dosage for most men, which can provide amazing results. If this does not happen, check the quality of your product.


The following negative manifestations from Trenbolone are encountered: increased blood pressure, excessive aggression, increased oily skin, acne, baldness. Suppressing the production of your own testosterone can cause decreased libido and even testicular atrophy. Prevention is carried out by the administration of Cabergoline and gonadotropin. The steroid is not toxic to the kidneys, but the urine may turn red due to excreted metabolites. As for the effect on the liver, it is moderate. Side effects from Trenbolone acetate or enanthate are more likely when included in the course of ephedrine or Clenbuterol.