Trenbolone En 200 (Canada Bio Labs)



– a steroid with powerful anabolic and moderate androgenic effects. The main active ingredient is trenbolone enanthate. Release form - liquid for injection, 1 ml ampoules contain 200 mg of active substance.

Trenbolone Enanthate has a high binding rate, five times higher than that of testosterone. Therefore, it is popular as a drug for effectively gaining muscle mass and increasing strength indicators. Adverse reactions in the form of accumulation of excess fluid and symptoms of gynecomastia are episodic. The risk of their manifestation is minimal, since the steroid is not subject to aromatization and has no estrogenic activity.

The effect of the drug after entering the bloodstream is up to 10 days, the detection time during doping control is five months.


  • increase in muscle mass up to 10 kg per solo course, subject to recommended concentrations;
  • strengthening the athlete’s physical performance (strength, endurance);
  • a decrease in cortisol concentration with a simultaneous increase in the concentration of insulin-like growth factor;
  • activation of growth hormone production;
  • increased potency during the course with decreased libido after discontinuation of the drug;
  • elimination of fat deposits under the skin.

The occurrence of adverse reactions is associated with excess dosages. They manifest themselves in the form of the development of arterial hypertension, increased aggression, oily skin, acne, and baldness.