Modafinil MODIWAKE 30 tab/ 200 mg


Modafinil MODIWAKE 30 tab/ 200 mg

This drug is a nootropic and the best in its category.

It has a beneficial effect on brain activity.

It is used in the daily life of people of many professions, in medicine and sports.

Athletes recommend buying Modafinil MODIWAKE 30 tablets (1 tab / 200 mg) in Almaty to increase vigor, improve breathing and blood circulation.

Modafinil is an internationally renowned nootropic drug. It is actively used among students, teachers, programmers and in other professions that require increased concentration, mental clarity and maintaining vigor. The FDA has approved its use.

He has rich experience in various fields, even in military affairs. It was used by the military in armies around the world, as well as in medicine in medical practices, where a high concentration of attention, vigor and clarity of thought were required, since someone's life could depend on it. Also, this drug is the “weapon” of individuals in the struggle for the title of smart among the rest, in order to secure their own path to success.

In sports, modafinil is a sports pharmacology drug. It does not affect the growth of muscle mass or other physical indicators, but it is necessary for the vigor of the athlete. For athletes, it is important to act on the centers of the medulla oblongata, thereby improving breathing and blood circulation. It gives vigor to athletes, without depleting the body, as does amphetamine.

This substance is safe and approved for use by the FDA. Preparations based on it have long been tested in various fields. The first production was in 1994 by the French company Lafon Labs. After that, the FDA approved in December 1998 its use in medicine for the treatment of narcolepsy. Not addictive.

The effect of the application

Initially, contact a specialist and undergo an examination. For each athlete, the course is selected individually.

· Increased vigor;

· Concentrated attention;

· Mental endurance;

· Excellent mood;

Reduced need for sleep.

Side effects

dryness of the mouth;

· High blood pressure;

· Dizziness and/or headache;

Pain in joints and muscles;

· Insomnia.
It is recommended to take 100-200 mg in the morning before lunch. For beginners, the maximum dosage is up to 200 mg per day.

The duration of action of the drug is 12-14 hours. Take strictly in the morning, so that by night the effect of the drug weakens and does not cause insomnia. We do not recommend combining with other nootropics.

Not toxic to the liver, but the maximum dose is 400 mg. In extreme situations, such as flights, where pilots need to stay awake and maintain an increased concentration of attention throughout the flight, you can use the drug at 200 mg every 8 hours. This regimen is not suitable for daily use.