
Oxazon (Oxandrolone)100x10mg

Oxandrolone is an artificially synthesized substance with high anabolic and low androgenic activity. It first went on sale in 1964 from SearleLabs. You can also find them on sale under the names Anavar or Oxandrin, etc.

Oxandrolone has a rich past, as the drug was originally created for medical purposes. It was actively used to strengthen the skeletal system and accelerate tissue regeneration after burns. It was also used for Turner syndrome, anemia, and HIV infections. Afterwards it was included in the list of anabolic drugs in sports pharmacology, but it was also included in the list of prohibited steroids for professional athletes and is controlled for doping tests.

Oxandrolone has a fairly high anabolic activity equal to 400% of the effect of testosterone, and a low androgenic effect of 25%. The substance is not prone to converting testosterone into estrogen. Complete absence of aromatization. Mild liver toxicity. The active effect after use lasts up to 12 hours. After completing the course, doping is easily detected by control for up to 45 days.

Most often used by athletes in bodybuilding due to the special qualities of the drug. The steroid affects the drying and definition of the athlete’s muscle mass.


The main key to high-quality results and maximum effect is a properly designed course. It is recommended to undergo an examination and consult with a specialist, since the course is selected individually.

· Provides relief and hardness of muscle mass;

· Increases physical strength;

· Removes subcutaneous fat;

· Stimulates the production of GH.