



The drug Turazon is produced on the basis of turinabol in oral form. The active component of this steroid has a fairly high anabolic activity equal to 180% of testosterone, and 50% androgenic effect. In terms of the chemical structure and effects that the substance has on the athlete, turinabol is similar to methandrostenolone, but has some distinctive features. Unlike the latter, the structure of the anabolic is enriched with an additional chlorine atom. This difference greatly influenced the substance for the better, since among the side effects, it does not cause the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. Also, the athlete may not be afraid of the risk of gynecomastia and other estrogenic side effects, since aromatization is completely absent, but has moderate toxicity to the liver. The half-life of turinabol is 16 hours, which is why the drug requires daily use. After completing the course, it remains in the blood for 250 days, which is why it is not suitable for competitive athletes, as it is strictly controlled by doping tests.

In the sports industry, Turazon is popular in the course of cutting and gaining weight among bodybuilding athletes. In a month of taking the drug, an athlete can gain up to 6 kg of pure dry muscle mass without water. In addition, it increases physical strength and endurance, which is very important.

Turazon is available in oral tablet form. The production is carried out by the Indian pharmaceutical company Horizon. The steroid is released on the international market around the world in the form of tablets. One package contains 100 pieces with a concentration of 10 mg per 1 tablet.

Effect of use

The key to a quality result is a properly designed course. Consult your doctor for advice.

· Increase in high-quality lean muscles (up to 6 kg of mass in 1 month of the course);

· Increased physical strength;

· Increased endurance to stress;

· Decrease in globulin levels;

· Increases the production of free testosterone;

· Protects the heart and blood vessels for healthy functioning without platelets.

Side effects

The drug is quite safe and exhibits side effects only in case of overdose and exceeding the course duration.

Liver toxicity;

· Suppression of natural testosterone secretion;

Erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation;

· Increased arousal;

· Sleep disturbance;

· Depression;

· Swelling;

· A rare case of virilization in women.


The optimal dose for a beginner is 20–50 mg per day.